this morning i was planning on going to the harvard natural history museum (a 10 minute walk from my place) to see the special bugs exhibit; but i found out last night it was actually a permanent exhibit, so it became a low priority. instead, i decided to engorge myself with the delights of sleeping late, waking up around 1:30pm (in my defense, i did go to bed last night around 5am, reading the 2nd volume of the three kingdom).
i'm loving my new keyboard. design-wise, i think it's like a tray for food crumbs, but the keys feel a lot better than my old keyboard. i love how there are extra keys to control the audio (something i've never had before). i was a little dismayed at first when i noticed there wasn't a power button (for quick sleep/restart/shutdown access) but i figured out hitting the control-eject combination does the same thing. the only problem now is since this was a keyboard from a new imac, the cord is just 2 feet long, not enough to reach my computer underneath my desk. i'll have to order an usb extension cable but in the mean time the keyboard is situated closer to the far edge of the table.
in the evening i went over to my parents' place for dinner, keeping one eye on the patriots-chargers game in progress. it seemed like the patriots were losing (as predicted by most football-related articles i read online) and the new season of 24 was about to come on so i changed the channel. when i turned back, i was surprised to find the score tied at 21-21. from that point on it was a tandem dosage of suspense as i switched back and forth between 24 and the game. the patriots went up to 24-21, and the chargers made one last rally, trying to tie the game with a field goal kick with seconds to spare, but the kick was off and the patriots won. that was one crazy game. the chargers were tough and it seemed like everything the patriots tried just didn't work, resulting in 3 brady interceptions. but the chargers made errors as well that the pats were able to capitalize, and i'm totally biased when i say this, but the better team won.
as for jack bauer kicking a suicide bomber out the back of a speeding subway window milliseconds before he detonates? totally couldn't happen in real life but jack bauer is enough of a bad ass that i'm willing to suspend my disbelief. also, held in a chinese prison for 2 years and his muscles haven't atrophied? they must have a really good gym. and despite his vow of silence while in detention i don't think he was on a hunger strike because he seemed well-fed. what really happened in china? too bad there terrorists are trying to blow up america again, otherwise there'd be an investigation. and the palmer family gets a new member! sister palmer! she's just spunky enough to get herself killed by the 12th hour, spurring the new president palmer to get tough and trust jack bauer's unorthodox methods - methods that've already been proven successful in 5 past 24 time periods. one last note: kumar, you're a terrorist? say it ain't so! harold to the rescue!
i couldn't call it a night without watching bob lobel's sunday wrap-up of today's football game. this guy seems to be around forever, like a local constant, the de facto sports anchor of boston. but has anyone else noticed the way he looks the past few years? plastic surgery, botox, not quite sure, but his eyes are TINY, like the skin on his face have been reworked so many times that his peep holes are just dots now. man, i miss wendy nix.