the sun was already out by 7am and i was still trying to go to sleep. figuring it was a lost cause and still not feeling the least bit sleepy, i grabbed my laptop and surfed wirelessly in bed, sorting out the bookmarks in my web browser. by 9am i knew the game was over and decided to get out of bed and start my day. i think my late night nap might've thrown off my sleep cycle: while many people would consider 11pm a bedtime, for me it was just the start of my evening, as i woke up 2 hours later feeling refreshed but unfortunately unable to fall back asleep anytime soon. so starting from 9am i took a shower, watched some television and ate the rest of my homemade pound cake for breakfast, as well as some clementine oranges. by noontime however, sitting by my desk behind the computer screen, i started feeling drowsy. i crawled into bed and immediately became unconscious, waking up almost 4 hours later to check the time, and seeing that the day was already starting to get dark. i slept a little bit more before waking up.
i went to the nearby temple bar to meet jerica and eliza to celebrate their friend rachel's completion of her master's degree program. this is the same rachel who was supposed to go see the drag show with us at jacque's last weekend but was sick at home instead. it was drizzling slightly but i left my umbrella at home since it was a short walk. i've lived in the area for more than 4 years now and i've never been to this place even though it's just a few blocks away. jerica was already there, along with rachel, and several of her friends. i found out sarah - rachel's classmate and recent mom - is down with aquariums as well, and i felt giddy hearing her describe her lavish 65 gallon fish tank (her husband used to work for a pet store setting up state-of-the-art aquariums for the rich and famous; fun fact: a 65 gallon aquarium with water weighs 772 lbs.). unbeknownst to me, seemingly a lot of people have aquariums (carl last weekend revealed raising clown loaches in a 10 gallon tank).
not realizing the temple bar is actually a restaurant, i had some ramen before arriving so i wasn't particularly hungry. nevertheless, not wanting to feel left out, i ordered some wild cape cod mussels. by the time my food arrived, so did eliza and shauna. the mussels were okay but somewhat tasteless i thought. our conversations ranged from poisonous chemicals in perfumes, food allergies, successful blind dating, fluff photo, and the trial and tribulation of higher education. at one point a trolley full of middle aged men (many wearing sweat shirts with irish pride logos emblazoned on their chest) dropped by the restaurant but then promptly left when it appeared there wouldn't be enough room to accommodate them all. i sampled some of eliza's creme brulée, tasted like soft sweet butter. sometime after 11pm we all sat around trying to figure out where we should go next between tired looks. unable to come up with any better options, we disbanded our merry group and rachel gave everyone a ride home since she was the only person with a car. i walked back to my house, the light drizzle continuing unabated.
i spent the rest of the night trying to salvage my bookmarks: apparently the URL management application i was using erased all my links rather than saving them. i'm not too saddened though, since 90% of those bookmarks i never visit anyway, and the ones i use regularly i still remember their addresses.