today was a free day and pretty much nothing exciting happened. the weather was warm again, which ironically meant it was actually colder inside my house because the heat didn't have to kick in as much. the only noteworthy thing i did during the day was to replace the dead batteries in the basement smoke detectors. i went out to get some groceries in the late afternoon and made english muffin toaster oven pizza for dinner as well as a serving of mixed vegetables with cheese. i toasted the muffins beforehand, but the final miniature pizzas still came out soggy.
shadow of the colossus arrived in the mail and i played it for a few hours on the PS2. it's a tough game with the basic premise of fighting boss monsters one after the other. i haven't even killed the first colossus yet, just been running around, hacking at its legs, shooting arrows at its head. video games have gotten so much harder. gone are the days of pacman and space invaders. modern games have also become more complicated. back in the days, a video game was just a joystick and a button or two. nowadays, like on the PS2, 3 directional controls and 8 buttons. the one good thing is now people can enjoy video games in the privacy of their own homes; no humiliating arcade beatdown where total strangers can see how badly i suck at gaming.