
i finally finished watching rome today. once i started, it was hard to stop. i then went online and did some research on the show. i forgot it premiered last year, so these episodes have already been around for a while. good news is new episodes start the beginning of next year so i won't have to wait too long to get my rome fix.

on this final day of november the weather today was in the high 60's. i didn't go outside (had some more code work to do) but i did open up all the windows to air out the house. if i knew the temperature was going to be this warm, i would've kept my motorcycle a little bit longer. not until march at the earliest can i get my ride back. in the meantime, it's all about walking and public transportation and the occasional borrowed car. it'll be good exercise, but after sitting on my ass all week, when i went to fenway last night i could feel my joints creaking.

the danios must go! everyone is back to their active selves again, but the danios seem more aggressive this time around. maybe the lost of their 5th companion is causing them unnecessary anxiety and they're taking it out on each other as well as the tetras. dan told me it was normal for fish to be a little wild when you first get them, but after observing these danios, i think they're beyond that stage. it's one thing for danios to chase each other, but it's another thing when they're harassing the tetras, who are smaller and defenseless. the tetras aren't even schooling now, i think the stress of living with danios have made everyone go their separate ways. i even noticed one of the tetras had its tail fins slightly nipped, which i can only assume is the work of the danios. so i made a decision: dan has generously offered to take the danios off my hands, to be included in his own 20 gallon tank. hopefully the tetras will bounce back from this, and i may well add some more tetras (or more peaceful fish) in the near future.

my barnes & noble online purchased came today. normally i wouldn't buy anything from them (they're not as cheap as amazon) but i had a gift certificate that i found in an old wallet that needed to be redeemed. i got a book about ponds, a nigella lawson cookbook, and a photo book about 100 greatest cities in the world (i was surprised to find boston on that list). also, something came from macmall: a dvi to composite video adapter. they tell me my new macbook pro will arrive on monday. later in the evening i ordered a bunch of stuff from overstock.com, using a 10% off coupon on their already discounted prices: a parallel to usb printer adapter, a PS2 game (shadow of the colossus), and some naturalist books.