i couldn't wait anymore, it's finally time to get some fish for my new aquarium. i hitched a ride with my mother and sister on their way to the everett costco so i could visit the nearby petsmart. i had a pretty good idea what i wanted to get, a mixture of zebra danios and neon tetras, and ended up buying 5 of each (99¢ per danio, $2.09 per tetra). as soon as i got home i floated the bag of fish inside the tank to let them adjust to the temperature. i slowly mixed some tank water into the bag before releasing the fish.
the tetras and the danios darted out immediately and right away i could tell the behavioural differences between the two species. although both are considered to be schooling fish, the danios seemed much more independently-minded. they were also more active, exploring the tank right away, eating the fish flakes i sprinkled on the surface, occasionally chasing one another, and swimming against the filter's inflow current. the tetras had the opposite personality. right away each one would hide underneath the plants, and they seemed to be scared, gasping for air. minutes later they calmed down and formed into a single school and spent the entire time at the bottom of the tank, swimming from one corner to another, always in a group.
i had some scallion pancakes for dinner and fell asleep on the couch watching kill bill on dvd.