i kicked around the house a bit before taking the car out around noon to buy some groceries for my aunt. i drove to the cafe to drop off the supplies before returning to belmont to get my motorcycle back. car driving has its advantages but given the choice i rather take the motorcycle. easier to park and some how it feels safer riding the bike. inside a car, there are just too many blind spots and i feel like i can easily hit something without knowing it. on a motorcycle, there are no surprises since i'm not insulated like i would be driving a car.
another excellent day for a run, another exercise opportunity squandered however. my rationalization this time was it was getting sort of late (i consider 3pm late) so i decided to watch all season 2 episodes of weeds instead. that's one of the best shows ever on premium cable, far superior than the sopranos on HBO.
i had portions of a rotisserie chicken for lunch and the rest of it for dinner. that was followed by episodes of friday night lights, house, and SVU.