
oh i have a wedding to go to! that was my thought this morning when i woke up. in my typical procrastinating style, with just hours before the actual wedding, that's when i started preparing. first, i went to james and jaime's wedding website to look for gifts on their registry. with almost everything already bought by other guests, i ended up just giving them a gift card. next i went into my closet looking for something to wear. my mother was warning me a week ago to figure out what i'd be wearing; her words came back to haunt me as i stared into the nearly empty closet. since my trip to southeast asia last year, most of my clothes are still over at my parents' place, including my suits. maybe i don't need to wear a suit. or a tie.

preparations were temporarily put on hold as i motorcycled down to client N in allston-brighton for a project meeting at noon. they contacted me a few days to do the programming on a few museum interactives. it was an unexpected but welcomed surprise, since i currently don't have any work and haven't even started looking yet. it's nice when a job just falls in my lap. at the meeting i met the designer, also a freelancer. "hannah?" i said. turns out we knew each other, she used to be a production assistant back when i worked at SRM. during the meeting i found out i wouldn't actually be coding until january/february - which is fine with me, i'm more than happy to not work for the next two months.

after the meeting i biked to my parents' place and found something to wear before returning back home to cambridge. i showered, got dressed, and waited for kristine (my ride) to show up around 2:30. we left for attleborough at 3:30.

the wedding was at 5:30. this presented a challenge because not only would be have to negotiate boston traffic at the peak of rush hour, but also a rainstorm was hovering over the area. it took us an hour and a half just to get to quincy, and another hour to drive down to the church. when we finally arrived we were obviously late, with much of the ceremony already over, but we did get to witness the exchange of vows. it was an episcopal wedding, which seemed very similar to a catholic wedding, except the priest was a woman. there was also the eating of the body of christ, which i abstained but kristine eagerly went up to receive her share (later she told me it tasted like dry bread, so i didn't miss much).

after the ceremony we drove up to the reception held at a fancy function pavilion located by a lake. kristine and i were the only two representatives from SCS (which is how we know james, being former coworkers, although kristine went to art school with james as well). kristine knew at least one other guest there (from her school days) and i was introduced to a few folks who knew me from the weblog (including rich, who occasionally post comments). our table number 6 was located almost within touching distance from the bride and groom table (our spot was also the table where a lot of the groomsmen were sitting, including the best man).

the food was good, despite being flanked by vegetarians on either side of me (kristine and her friend chris) with their special non-meat dishes. it didn't seem like james or jaime were eating much since they spent most of the time either engaging in couple dancing, cutting cake, or visiting each table (there were probably about 150 guests, so a lot of people to meet and greet).

2 blonde girl photographers followed them where ever they went as well as a man who didn't seem to be part of the wedding crew but took it upon himself to video as much of the wedding as possible. the music was very classic wedding songs (oldies including of course a few sinatra tunes) but rumors on the street was there would be 80's tunes during the dancing phase of the evening. however, after dessert, kristine and i decided to get going, as people started to flood onto the dance floor.

despite the fact that we got lost a little bit trying to find our way to route 95 north, we still made it back much faster in just under an hour. i got dropped off at my place and got back just in time to catch battlestar galactica.