ang tao and i got off the subway at central square around 7pm, grabbed some takeout from the falafel palace (to sample some middle eastern cuisine), then walked down to the charles river, where we found a spot on the bridge so we could watch the fireworks that would begin in 3 more hours. we sat next to some other chinese folks, one of them armed with a canon rebel as well, but with an L-series sense ($$$). they had also staked out a spot near the railing, an empty tripod for a placeholder. later a noisy chinese family (bourgeois) muscled into our territory, but being that everyone involved was chinese, nobody said anything.
ang tao and i chatted while waiting, talking about things like what is a real american, global over-population, china's one child policy, and other places he's traveled to, including amsterdam and parts of italy.
since i've seen the fireworks a few times already, i was more interested in getting photos of the faces of the spectators watching the pyrotechnics. this confused the hell out of the people standing behind me, who kept on looking where i was pointing the camera, trying to figure out what i was so interested in.
12 more days |