
i had a meeting this morning with client N to show them the interactive i've been building. i went to the cafe to borrow the car and came back home to pick up the computer. unfortunately in my rush to leave the door i forgot the webcam but i had enough for the presentation regardless. i think i'm in good shape with the project but it definitely won't be 100% finished by the time i leave, they're probably going to have to bring in another lingo programmer to fix any last minute bugs. everything is due in 3 more weeks and none of the graphics are ready yet. this was a project that was originally scheduled for a december delivery but now it's been pushed back to july. fortunately the 2 interactives are pretty straight-forward and it'll be easy to assemble once i get all the pieces.

i brought back the machine, returned the car, and raced home on the bike before it started raining. i logged a few hours of code fixing for client P. everyday this week i've debated whether i should go out running; once again i decided to stay inside. the egg and ham bagel sandwiches are back as i made one for a late lunch. in the evening i ate the leftover chicken tikka marsala for dinner.

it didn't take me long in my southeast asia trip last year before i realized i needed a bigger backpack. i don't like the image of the traveling backpacker, lugging around an enormous bag, but yet at the same time my 2500 cubic inches kelty redwing was so full i thought the bag would burst. so for this china trip i knew i definitely needed an upgrade. tonight i finally ordered the backpack i'll be using for the next 3 months: the mountainsmith maverick. i've never even seen this bag in stores so it's kind of risky buying it straight online. however, i did see a larger model from the same manufacturer, and i was impressed with what i saw. it's a 3600 cubic inches capacity top-loading backpack. i like the two side pockets for water bottles (besides the non-included hydration system) and the numerous pounches. they might be a security risk but i'd never put anything valuable in those compartments although they're good to have. it was either this bag or the kelty romaine 3600. i went with the maverick because it has more features. i think even at 3600 cubic inches i'll probably have to supplement my carrying capabilities during my trip. when i came back last year, not only did i have my backpack, but i also had a small traveling suitcase and two duffle bags full of souvenirs.