i felt terrible about the weather today. not so much for me, since i had to be indoors working anyway, but for my 2nd cousin and his wife, who were driving to cape cod today. dark, cold, rainy, windy - the worst part is i told him on sunday that the weather would be nice for all the days that he was in town. apparently i never learned that lesson about not making any promises regarding new england weather.
i made a simple meat sauce with fiori pasta for dinner just in time for the start of the red sox yankees game in new york (beckett versus randy johnson, unlike here it wasn't raining). for dessert julie had bought a carton of curse reversed ice cream while i got some special red sox edition hood ice cream sandwiches with a caramel center. the game didn't start well for the red sox with matsui giambi hitting a 2 run homer to take the lead, but after a-rod bobbled the ball, the red sox gained the momentum and scored several runs for each successive innings thereafter. even alex gonzalez managed to smack in a homerun and bench guys that normally wouldn't even get to bat were getting hits. it was a thrilling spank-a-thon but towards the end i started feeling bad for the yankees, it was downright embarrassing. these are our sworn enemies? maybe the toronto bluejays are more our equal. beating the yankees bring no great joy (some joy, yes, but not great joy) when the yankees seem to be sucking so much.