i went down to the fidelity office in kendall square this morning to transfer some money from my bank of america checking account into a money market account. instead of having my money in the bank where it wasn't doing anything, the money market account will give me 4.22% interest. if i wanted more return i could've invested in something more profitable but there'd be too much risk and i need to keep this money liquid in case i need it again. i came home, at some pork buns for lunch, then hung out in my room the rest of the day, calibrating my epson R200 to print correctly onto cd-roms and cleaning out my bookshelf.
in the evening i was glued to the television: first prison break (the first new episode since the november hiatus) followed by 24 (nobody died in this episode). i had some pork chops with rice for dinner (my father dropped it off before going to the super market). later i watched the WBC championship final between cuba and japan (as of this moment not sure who's going to win yet but japan is up 4-1).
program exposure f5.6 1/80 sec ISO 1600 |
A-DEP exposure f40.0 1/3 sec ISO 1600 |