went to cash some checks today; my money surplus appears to be depleted again, after paying off my taxes and a few choice purchases. fortunately i sent out some invoices earlier in the week, i should be getting paid again soon. i also stopped by CVS to pick up some HBP medication. the weather was overcasted and it rained a little bit during my walk down to porter square (rain, not snow - just like spring!). i wish we could have a downpour, to wash away all the salt residue on the sidewalks.
once my work was done today i watched another movie, brothers grimm. it's a nice little snack of a movie but i could see why it didn't do so well at the box office. of course with all the recent brokeback buzz, i'm sure more people will be turning to this film to see more of heath ledger. i took a hot bath before parking myself in front of the television for the rest of the evening, with a microwaved chicken bake for dinner. for lunch, i finally finished all that carbonara from tuesday. the fridge is finally leftover free!
usually there's a few hours between when i post a weblog entry and until i go to bed that goes unaccounted for. normally it's preparation for bed, then it's a few more hours of television or reading a book until i fall asleep. this week i'm learning how to count in sumerian, with their base-60 number sytem. you never know when you need to decipher a cuneiform receipt.