it's going to hurt. i knew this coming into thursday that today wouldn't be a nice day. with a delivery tomorrow (an internal delivery, but a delivery none the less), i've got to crank on the code tonight. not that i haven't been hard at work the past few weeks, but progress hasn't been as fast as i'd like, and i find myself a bit behind. so it doesn't look like i'm going to get any sleep this evening. i'm probably going to be up until 6am, and there might be a chance i'll have to work this weekend as well, despite it being christmas. i thought i could take a nap after dinner, but i just couldn't fall asleep. so in about an hour or so i'll heading back to my bedroom and coding until sunrise.
elsewhere: did some laundry today, my north atlantic wildlife field guide arrived, as well my color changing mood clock. nyfb: ernyvmr gung v'ir orra rkcrevzragvat jvgu gur tbbtyr nqf, naq znlor jura v unir zber gvzr guvf jrrxraq, v'z tbvat gb oevat vg qbja fb vg'f yrff qvfgenpgvat. va gur zrnagvzr, cynpr rawbl gur boabkvbhfyl benatr qvfcynl!