
it's midnight and all i want to do is to go into my bedroom to do more work. i figured i could milk another 2 hours of coding before i have to go to bed. what's my malfunction, you ask? don't i normally try to avoid as much work as possible? the truth: i really want to finish up that project by the end of friday because i don't want to work over the weekend. i don't hold many things sacred, but saturdays and sundays are my twin days of rest, and there better be a pretty damn good reason if i'm to sacrifice another weekend. i don't like the fact that the client is just assuming i'm going to work this weekend, so they've been slow in delivering the assets, EVEN THOUGH WE'RE INSTALLING THE PROJECT ON MONDAY. so today i wrote them an e-mail, basically told them i don't plan on working this weekend and they should deliver the rest of the content either end of today or early tomorrow. result: no response, like my e-mail was lost in cyperspace or something. it's not that i don't want to continue working on the project based on personal reasons - because that's true - but also i might potentially have another project in december, and i want to finish this project before moving on to the next one. so in order for me not to receive the shaft again, i'm trying to work as much as possible. in hindsight, it was probably a mistake to get paid for all this work on a per project basis instead of by the hour, because based on my rates i would've exceded the budget. at this point i don't even care, i just want to be done with it and move on, that's my single goal.

rainy, dark, wet, warm, that was today's weather. no arm twisting necessary to keep me at home, the only time i set foot outside was to bring in the trash cans and to scowl defiantly at the gloomy sky. i took a 30 minute break in the afternoon, had some microwaved chatsuo buns, just sat on the couch in the living room, quietly browsing through a computer parts catalog. i want to buy a cheap PCI graphic card for my day old PC so i can play doom 3. while i'm at it, i might also upgrade the video card on my mac, but i might just get a (cheaper) compatible PC card and flash the rom. julie originally was going to cancel on tonight's dinner but changed her mind; she brought over some wings (i like: 10 piece medium with lots of blue cheese) and we watched america's next top model, which by the way is already in season 5 (according to julie). jayla got the axe tonight! big ears and all! i will say this again: why does every model i like on that show get eliminated? plus-size girl, dairy queen, kim the lesbian, and now mickey jayla. after julie complained about my slow internet connection, i kicked her out of the house.