i got to the BPL at 10am this morning to continue working. the team from yesterday was there, along with tyler. with the skills we picked up from friday, we were able to work pretty fast, although there were still things we couldn't stick up because we were missing assets. some of the wall panels weren't entirely flat, but i came up with the solution of adding extra layers of the foam sticky tapes to compensate. once more we were treated to lunch, a greek place off of newbury street (i had the gyro). we brought back the food and ate in the BPL courtyard again. the weather was perfect, and all the pretty and happy people of boston were out in full force. a hard day to be working but at least the place was air-conditioned.
before we left, doug had ripped down part of the first wall we'd put up yesterday; he said it was cluttered and wanted to take another stab at the layout. ally and i grabbed the subway back to cambridge. turns out she actually lives across the road from me, on the somerville side of the tracks. i stopped by a neighboring yard sale, where i found bruce and jack hovering around the leftover used merchandise. i left with a picture book about ancient rome (25¢) and a free apron. i got home and quickly fell asleep again, waking up to watch the baseball game on television and make some ramen for dinner.