
it's that tuesday that feels like a monday after a long weekend. today's business was about waiting to hear back from clients. i didn't realize the weather was so nice (though somewhat hot and humid), i would've gone out to do some naturing (i hear it's going to be wet and cold the rest of the week). my thing this summer is instead of hanging around the house with nothing to do, i'm going to be spending all my free time outdoors, taking photos of bugs, flowers, and mushrooms, my three areas of limited expertise. i get a kick out of finding something i've never seen before, sort of like a seasonal scavenger hunt. i wouldn't say my dream is to see every single kind of insect in new england, but i'll settle for most of them. this is something i keep on thinking about when i'm walking around in the forest, a nature scavenger hunt crossed with bingo, in my spare time (which i have a copious amount at the moment) i should be able to code something that will generate random nature themed bingo cards.

i made spaghetti for lunch and dinner, the sauce a combination of the leftover meatballs and some kielbasa sausages. the only time i left the house was to run into the backyard to water the vegetables and to ride down to target and buy some toothpaste. watching television in the living room i fell asleep around 4pm, didn't wake up until 7pm. i watched some baseball (victorious) and then some SVU. i brought out the trash thinking it was trash day tomorrow but because of the long weekend, everything gets pushed back a night.