a perfect day to be out in the backyard, potting vegetable plants. unable to find any tools, i dug through the soil with my bare hands. the smell of dirt, there's nothing else like it, the strong earthy aroma promising a bountiful harvest; that is, if i had a sunny backyard. alas, my garden is partially sunny at best, but i tried to position the pots anyway so they'd be in the sunniest location. after watering the plants, i pruned back the ivy growing on the fence and sweeped the pollen off the deck.
i went running again. when the weather is nice enough for the beach, it's a little too warm to go jogging. i threw off my t-shirt on a nearby rock before i ran my usual loop around the charles river. my competition were topless middle-aged men, all pink and sweaty, i closed my eyes when i ran by them. i paused to get some water from the public drinking fountain, the best part of the run. it's only available during the summer, MDC dismantles it during the other seasons. when i got back home, the areas directly below my ribs were hurting from my body not being used to running (all that jingling, organs bouncing up against one another).
for lunch and dinner i had leftover fried chicken. i hope i'm not alone when i say that i like my KFC the best when they're a day old. the red sox ended up beating the win-streaking cleveland indians, but only barely (10-9). it's going to be an interesting next two games.
in my spare time, i've been uploading some more travel photos to my flickr account.