last night i decided to join netflix and went late into the early morning adding movies to my queue. i've been a member before, many years ago, back in the days when you still had to mail your dvd's back to california, but now i hear you no longer have to do that.
i slept in my bedroom without incidence, free of fleas. it might have something to do with the fact that i didn't stick my feet out like i usually do. i woke up, brought in the vacuum cleaner from outside (i didn't want any vacuumed bugs to crawl back out), and vacuumed the house again in my battle to break the flea's life cycle.
i had the rest of my chicken for lunch. finished with eating, i was eager to get back to my diablo game. a check of the temperature outside revealed a warmish 45 degrees so i decided to go out for a run in shorts. i don't know why i enjoy punishing myself like that. i'm usually very afraid of the cold, but that fear goes away when i go running. it's true that i warm up over time, and i think the freezing temperature actually gives me extra incentive to really push myself, just so i'll heat up faster. there's also a sick sense of superiority when i run by people bundled tightly in winter jackets when i still have my shorts on. running is also a good stress reliever. in the hour that i'm out, nothing matters to me, nothing but pavement and speed, judging my progress from landmarks, the desire to finish my route. afterwards, exhausted, i feel this tremendous sense of accomplishment. exercise is a good thing, keeps my body in shape, burns off excess fat, and i always feel like i'm adding to my life expectancy some how.
after a shower, i watched some documentary on PBS about koko the sign-language gorilla. although it wasn't a reality tv show, it sure seemed like one: in this episode, the zookeepers try to find a boyfriend for koko by using video dating, showing her footage of male gorillas from other zoos. andrew called me around that time, we chatted briefly before i returned to diablo. i finally finished level 1 before my father came to pick me up, returning to belmont for dinner with my family, steamed meat buns, hot & sour soup, and some pummelo. later, my father gave me a ride back to cambridge. in belmont, out in the suburbs, the sky seem so vast and dark. that's one of the things i miss most, just seeing the stars. in the long run, city life isn't for me. i love the convenience, but i love the tranquility more, the closeness to nature. one day when i settle down, the first order of busines is moving back to the suburb. a nice house with a big backyard for a proper size garden and unobstructed view of the night sky.