
neither one of us cooked, we ended up getting takeouts: julie brought wings from davis square for me, while i got a moscow sandwich from topspeed pizzeria for her. i spent the few minutes before she arrived cleaning up the house. lacking in recent guests, i've really let the place go. there were dishes sitting in the sink so long that mold was growing on them, and the living room looked like somebody threw my dirty laundry around. i also vacuumed: i'm amazed by how much hair i shed over the weeks, like maybe a forensic scientist would conclude sasquatch lived here in cambridge. besides watching the red sox game (victory over the bluejays) and the olympics (men's diving), julie also spent time researching how to password protect portions of her site and how chocolate magic shells work.

the slow simmer of coding filled most of my day, i didn't go out for lunch, finished up the rest of my gnocchi from yesterday. dare i say it? work is starting to become fun again now that everything is manageable and i'm not under the gun. bruce thinks my disease is probably hayfever, but i don't believe in allergies and will try to will myself back to health. who's afraid of a little pollen? riding the bike, exposed to all that open air, probably doesn't help much either. if it isn't ragweed then it's carbon monoxide. coming back home, i cut off a mini cooper trying to make a turn. seconds later i heard some angry honking behind me. it's like when a child gives you the finger, it's actually very cute and funny. they're finally paving beacon street after a year of construction work. my ass will be thankful when it no longer has to get punished riding on that piece of unpaved road.