
when dan told me that i could get some free lunch today at the fire & ice all you can buffet grill, i didn't think i could go, but since i came to work today via motorcycle, it was a quick ride for me to get down to harvard square to meet dan and his coworkers. although i got there with time enough to spare, i couldn't find a suitable place to stash the bike, so i ended up parking it by the MBTA entrance along with the other motorcycles. what was the occasion for this free lunch? it was an information session from a financial advisor, we come in and meet with him for 15 minutes while he does a little song and dance about diversification and asset allocation, and then he pays for our lunch. pretty sweet, huh? what he said was actually sort of interesting, and pretty scary too. i realize now that i'm in poor financial shape because i'm not investing enough, might as well throw my money and my future away. after that sobering presentation (filled with colored charts organized in a freestanding flipbook), it was time to eat. our waiter gave each of us a ticket, we got our bowl of raw ingredients along with a sauce, leaving the ticket behind so the waiter can deliver our food once it's cooked. i was in a rush to eat since i didn't want to take more than an hour for lunch. i felt like a soldier taking a temporary holiday from the battle front, only to go back soon afterwards. harvard square was full of smiles and sunshine and pretty women and flowers. i was reluctant to return to kendall square, but the ride back was pretty sweet, down memorial drive. my odometer finally broke 2000 miles.

this morning mike called me while i was still sleeping, asking if was home to let him in, despite the fact that i told him i'd leave the basement key outside so he can move out his stuff without my intervention. before i left for work i bumped into him, rummaging in the backyard, looking for that key. riding into work, i screeched my bike to a stop at the train tracks near kendall square, which freaked the hell out of some poor pedestrians trying to cross the street. when i came back home, mike was still moving. i didn't bother helping him, i was too busy getting out of my jeans and scratching the hell out of my itchy dry legs. when he was done he returned my key and said maybe we can get lunch next week.

i have to ration my free time these days. it doesn't seem right. i work all day in the office, then when i come home i work some more. i'm going to average 12 hours of coding per day for this week. funny thing is i don't feel burnt out. like i said i few days ago, i'm physically tired, but my brain still wants to work. only for this week though, i think by next week things will start to taper off. can SRM afford to keep me? at this rate, i maybe be able to save enough to really go on a long vacation. that's what's keeping me going. i'm suffering now, but it'll be over eventually, and then i can get my free time back.

11pm is when i have to get to work again. i wanted to post a few more photos from this weekend, but they'll have to wait. anyone who's still curious, check back in a day or two.