i finally left the office today close to 10pm. though physically exhausted, the gears in my head were still churning and i felt like i could've coded for another 12 hours. i figured i'd have to come in for the weekend but discovered that at least for saturday i've been given a temporary stay of execution, and at worst, i work a bit from home sunday. it's funny, but it almost seems weird that i'm
not working this weekend, like it's something wrong, instead of being something normal. i even forgot it was friday for a while, until the more drawn-out good byes of the people leaving the office for the weekend made me realize what day it was. at least the company fed me:
krispy kreme donuts for breakfast (courtesy of brice), takeout from
koreana for lunch (galbi box lunch special), and finally more takeout from
china cafe (inman square) for dinner (spicy basil chicken).
i came to work via subway, the first time i've been on the MBTA this month. i haven't taken public transportation since going into boston for the DNC ballyhoo back in july. it rained something fierce last night, but this morning the weather was clear, albeit jungle humid. when i got to the office, i regretted not taking the bike (although the people watching on the train was worth the price of the $1.30 admission), but when i left the office, with rain falling once again, it proved to be a smart decision.
i took a hot bath when i came home, sweating out many weeks' worth of work toxin, reading the latest issue of entertainment weekly in the tub. what will i do with my day off tomorrow? i'm sure it'll involve the woods.