
after getting some cough drops at the downtown crossing cvs, i discovered the new location of the chinatown bus stop, in that dead zone between downtown crossing and chinatown. i knew all those travelers couldn't have just disappeared!

the proper way to deal with monday is to convince yourself that it's the best day of the week. so the whole day revolved around that lie, as i put in my 8 hours of bare-knuckle coding. fortunately the day went by pretty fast. i was coughing still, but i controlled it with hot water and cough drops. i get the feeling i'm still the office pariah though, some people still suspicious that i might be contagious. if they want to give me their sick days, i will gladly spend my days at home. alex brought in some homemade beef jerky. i had a can of microwaved chicken soup for lunch. i discovered that itunes can not only share music between macs on the network, but pc's as well. that means i won't have to suffer in silence anymore when i work in the front room by myself.

after work, i met my mother at the white hen pantry parking lot by porter square and she drove me to staples in fresh pond to buy some ink for my epson 740 printer (the one that i got free from lynn because she thought it was broken) so i could print out my tax returns. back at my place, alex wong dropped by yet again with more unwanted items from his house, including a bread machine, a toaster oven, and a lenmark printer (which meant i didn't need all that epson ink after all). it's getting to the point where there's almost more of his stuff at my place than my stuff, which i think is wrong. after he left, my mother and i had some gourmet buffalo chicken pizza from top speed then mother and son conspired to figure out more ways to shake deductions from the 2003 tax tree. we finally got it down so i'd only pay $2000 to the internal rock you service, and after putting away the maximum allowable amount into a traditional IRA account i'll be opening tomorrow morning, i can reduce that amount to $1500. i also figured out that i might be unnecessarily paying more than i should on my mortgage payments (since i qualify for residential exemption), so i have to call my mortgage company and ask them about that tomorrow as well. after my mother left, i spent the evening printing out my tax returns on alex's lenmark, stacked on top of the inkless epson which rested on an old parallel port hewlett-packard. mike and his girlfriend came back home to do laundry (around 10pm) just when i was arranging all the forms into neat little piles on my bed.

i'm sleepy, but alex wong is coming over with more stuff for storage and the dryer is making such a loud racket that i can't go to bed even if i could.