when evening rolled around, it was time to watch the superbowl. i kept a transcript while i watched the game, it's a little raw since sometimes i'm just ranting but here it is:
josh groban sings in honor of the shuttle astronaut families? i love how the superbowl is not just about sports anymore. and how cold is it in texas? why is that dude wearing a scarf? okay, and then they have an reenactment of an astronaut planting the american flag on a simulated moon? cheese!
beyonces sings the national anthem wearing a conservative white dress. is she performing in the halftime as well? i'm kind of disappointment she doesn't have one of her traditional booty outfits, but i guess it'd be inappropriate for the national song. pizza hut, muppet commercial with jessica simpson. do people still like the muppets? it's like being fixated with charles in charge or head of the class. maybe i'm just prejudiced against puppets, but i don't think the muppets are timeless.
patriots opening possesion fedex alien commercial, dumb dodge monkey on your back, lame. and it's not even a monkey! it's a chimpanzee.
2nd panthers possession a bear loves pepsi so much he impersonates a human to get some of that dark carbonated soda action -- ha ha! stupid; bring back britney!
2nd patriots possession van helsing trailer, i'll go see it - is catherine zeta jones in it? bud light - ha ha, guys getting bikin wax, stupid i am so not watching survivors all-stars
3rd panthers possesion troy trailer, i had to go use the bathroom, missed it willy nelson doll, the don zimmer cameo in allusion to when he attacked red sox pitcher pedro makes me hate this commercial instantly.
3rd patriots possession budweiser "where did he learn to take a beating like that?" one of those rare commercials where a guy isn't portrayed as stupid, and it's the wife (the nagging wife) that's the villain. cool monster.com commercial, old guy young guy symmetry.
4th panther possession sierra mist, float parade kilts "that's just wrong, dad" - i love commercials where little kids sustain emotional trauma. (2nd quarter)
4th patriots possession budweiser donkey klydesdale (sp) tryout alamo trailer, it's not turning me on
5th panthers possession pepsi "girl who downloaded music free from the internet" cool commercial, i thought it was some kind of anti-drug message at first, but instead it announced to the world the unholy union between apple computers and pepsi soft drinks. mitsubishi commercial with guys throwing things off the back of semis onto the highway, pretty cool.
5th patriots possession bud light: horse fart. sure to be a classic in fraternity circles! phillip morris ad, "1 in 5 kids will smoke" public service announcement, like the devil telling you to be good. charmin' toilet paper - the most unintentionally homoerotic commercial perhaps tonight. the quarterback gently wiping his hands behind the butt of the passer? what's going on?
5th patriots possession continue... starsky & hutch trailer, retrocool pepsi rebound love commercial...i miss those britney days.
6th panthers possession
6th patriots possession visa - winter girls beach volleyball - NICE!
7th panthers possession secret window trailer, with johnny depp and maria bello chevy "holy shit" kids eating soap -- child abuse is funny! children swearing is funnier!
7th pathers possession continue...
7th patriots possession
8th panthers possession halftime guiness - st.patricks day is like christmas, i like it when beer companies use a holiday tradition normally reserved for kids as a shtick to sell beers to adults.
halftime show nfl network: nfl people singing "the sun will come out tomorrow" classic (3rd quarter) did somebody run out onto the field? is it a streaker? show me!
1st patriots possession (of the 2nd half) sierra mist: guy and dog jumping into glasses of cold beverage from a rooftop -- what's with that?
1st panthers possession bud light - talking chimpanzee hitting on hot girl. why are there so many animals in these commercials? enough with the animals! especially when there's potential bestiality implied. this commercial is gross. staples office supply guy godfather
2nd patriots possession another cool monster.com commercial. some disco theme song.
2nd panthers possession hidalgo trailer with viggo, reminds me of the mummy crossbred with lawrence of arabia.
3rd patriots possession (4th quarter)
3rd patriots possession continues... budweiser guy racing in his car to deliver a lipstick to his girlfriend flying in a plane. "this isn't mine," she says when he get there. i love it!
3rd panthers possession budweiser commercial with stupid rick fox. as much as i think the celtics suck now thanks to danny ainge who has totally ruined the team, my former love for said basketball team makes me instantly hate this commercial because it has rick fox in it. homer simpsons mastercard "priceless" commercial, some people will like it, but i'm sort of lukewarm (although it was mildly funny) because i'm not a big simpsons fan. girls dressing up to by beer but then end up not buying it "you girls found everytihng you need? just checking," says the clerk. what he means is, "i come free with the potato chips".
4th patriots possession
4th panthers possession
5th patriots possession
5th panthers possession
6th patriots possession