at around 2pm, we headed back out again, destination burlington once more, to the building #19. i fell asleep in the car, woke up when we got there, and wandered around the warehouse. building #19 for those who've never been to one, is this crazy discount warehouse place. most of their stuff is kind of junky and cheap, but if you have patience, you can find some real gems. i ended up making out with a cooking pan ($5, good for brownies, lasagna, roasted chicken) and two pairs of shoes ($25/each, pair of red sneakers, pair of tan sneakers), as well as a pair of red pants ($6). the search is finally over. just when i wasn't looking for red pants, i find them. i have a pair of red corduroys, but corduroy isn't the kind of fabric you can wear year round. looking for photos of said pants in the near future.
i went to belmont for more hotpot dinner while upgrading my father's G4 to OS 10.3. i got a ride back to cambridge, fell asleep on the couch while watching the two towers on cable.