every halloween squid holds a neurofibromatosis raffle. in past years it's been in conjunction with an annual halloween costume party at the office, but in recent years it's only been a raffle. the big prize this year was an ipod, with various other smaller prizes, such as museum passes, autographed books, or even a painting. i waited all day for the drawing despite the fact that i wasn't elligible to enter, my brain already fried from a week's worth of work and in the final few hours my eyes were starting to glaze over. former squid designer juji showed up with her husband and baby son (dressed as a mummy), while adam's baby's mama michelle arrived with their daughter zella (dressed as hello kitty). old time squid friend nick showed up, as well as brian, and katrinka's sister. the kids got to pick the raffle tickets while a slew of us documented the event with either digital cameras or camcorders. after the final drawing for the ipod, i left to go home.
i bumped into brian at porter square, he was on his way to his boyfriend's house, their anniversary. coming home close to 7pm, there were already groups of kids wandering the streets of cambridge going house to house trick or treating. i got home and within minutes somebody rang my doorbell, two girls dressed in unidentifiable costumes, i threw them each a couple of necco wafer packets, and i think i even told one of them, "knock yourself out." did i totally sound like an old man trying to act hip in front of the kids? because i sure felt like one. my parents came by for pizza dinner, and i went with my mother down the street to see what all the commotion was about. turns out on one of the side streets the entire block was converted into a halloween epicenter, there must've been a couple dozen kids swarming the place, every single house was decorated, all the adults were outside handing out candy, dressed up in costumes. even from the top floors, people were throwing candy down to the kids below, it was seriously festive. further up on my street, very little action. while i was out ordering the pizza (bumped into brian again, with nathan), there was another group of trick or treaters who rang my doorbell. at least a got a few, and the good thing is now i have all these necco wafers to eat.