there was a large man on the train who caught my attention. he was straddling two seats, with a pole between his legs. he looked drunk, his face was hammered red, and wore a trucker cap with a neck cape, haven't seen one of those since the 80's. my fingers tingled, i wanted to reach into my bag to get the camera so i could take a photo, but it was crowded, it'd attract too much attention.
when i got home i started coding on the freelance project, communicating with client via instant messaging and phone, turning on the game when it was on. the red sox ended up losing for the second time, one game away from elimination now. feeling numb, i decided to take a short nap around 7pm. originally i figured i'd only sleep for an hour, but ended up waking at 10pm. i had some rice noodle for dinner that my parents had brought over earlier when they were on their way to costco to buy supplies. at 11pm i went back to coding, and worked nonstop until 7am in the morning, the sun was already out. exhausted, i decided to go to bed, the coding only partially complete, turned out to be more complicated than i originally thought. sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. i figured i cut this one as a lost, my brain too fried to do anymore work.