
the most exciting thing i did today was to go out running in the thunderstorm. by the time i set foot outside my front steps, it had just started to rain. i wasn't even down my street before i was completely soaked. my t-shirt, heavy and wet, clung to me like weights. the rain was so heavy, i was sputtering water from my mouth, wiping off the raindrops from my eyelashes. a thunderstorm is the perfect time to go running, there's no danger of overheating. however, cramping up is a different story, and for some inexplicable reason, i tightened up a few times. the periods when i was fine though, it felt like running on butter, smooth and effortless, never felt tired, like i could plow through the rain forever. i was surprised to see more women runners than men runners. of course all the men ran topless, which the women couldn't do. there's something exhilarating about running in the rain, something naughty i suppose, one of those things that as a kid, your parents would never allow you to do. that feeling of completely exposing yourself to the elements, it's kind of liberating. nevertheless, i was happy to be back at home, in the bathroom, taking a hot shower.

earlier in the day i was down in cambridgeport helping andrew's mother judy install an additional 256mb of ram into her ibook. i also installed some printer drivers and left with the machine downloading adobe acrobat via dialup. i took the subway back home even though i could've just walked, i don't live too far away. later in the afternoon, my mother came by to visit. we watched some oprah together, oprah had on the naked chef and nigella lawson to come on the show and prepare two separate courses of meal, from appetizer, entree, to dinner. it inspired me, but i didn't do any cooking tonight. my mother also helped me arrange my hallway closet, said it was too cluttered. after she left, andrew came home from his week long business trip. we watched the guru, then i heated up some fried rice for dinner. andrew left to go visit his girlfriend, leaving me at home to ponder the mysteries of life and to finish out my friday night's worth of television watching, capping the evening with a viewing of kissing jessica stein.

ink spots & ella fitzgerald -
into each life some rain must fall