today's weather was weird, looked like it was going to rain, but up to that point nothing yet. i had a good run, felt pretty strong and kept my pace, walking only across the eliot bridge because i started to cramp up a little bit. not quite sure why today was better than most days, perhaps the weather was just right (60's, slightly humid), or maybe that boost of potassium in the form of a banana really helped. on the trip home i took an alternative route behind the riverview condo complex. if you ever get the chance, take a peek at what's growing there: large chestnut trees, but not just any kind, these have pink flowers (normally they're white). i've never seen anything like it before, and when i first saw it saturday enroute to new jersey, i thought they were silk trees, but they're definitely chestnuts. i then ran down craigie street, by the harvard astronomy lab, around radcliffe, and finally back home.
after my second shower of the day, i went out in the backyard topless to take some flower photos, hoping to get some sun and work off my farmer's tan but the sky was still overcasted. once i went back inside however, the weather suddenly changed. it got real dark then it started to rain hard (including lightning), only to suddenly transition into some sunny skies, before going back to rain again. my father came by to pick me up to go to fan susu's place in needham, where he was having some problems accessing the internet on his imac and was wondering if i could fix it for him. we stopped by briefly in belmont so i could pick up some mail. our drive to needham was right during rush hour traffic, and mixed with the rain, it took an hour to get there. we caught up with fan susu at his tailor shop just as he was closing up (he was working on an orange outfit which i immediately recognized as indian in origin from all the movies i've seen) before driving to his house.
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the problem turned out to be some extra characters in the username which was interfering with his connection. my father and i had dinner with his family before we came back to cambridge. i borrowed the camry for my plymouth drive tomorrow morning. when i got back home, i went out briefly to cash a check, get some money from the atm, and buy some cold cream from cvs (to remove all that paint on my hands). i caught up with dennis passing out flyers for a block party organizational meeting this sunday. i spend the rest of the night preparing for the trip, burning a cd of source codes and another disc of driving music.