rob house showed up right when i got home. i knew he was coming to borrow elias' php/mysql book, but we also talked about unemployment benefits and how much to charge for freelance work. he also briefly aimed julie as me with the same questions. later, he vented on how much he hates os x (for which there are certain things i agreed with) then we got into a talk about motorcycles. andrew came home from a day of administering in boston just when rob was about to leave. andrew packed up his stuff for his weeklong business trip in vermont and left as well.
on the gardening front, i think there's something happening to my basil seeds. my father told me that when basils germinate, their black shells disappear and become these white translucent shells. that's a relief, because i had thought they were maggots. maybe in a few days they'll grow up to become tiny seedlings. the pepper seeds might be doing something as well but i can't confirm that, will need to give it a few more days.
my father came over later to help me rearrange the furnitures in my bedroom. i ended up not moving my queen sized bed but moved everything else instead: the dresser, the bookcase, and the makeshift desk. i had to take out all the books from my bookcase and temporarily put them in the kitchen. the new arrangement makes more efficient use of space, and i can maybe put an armoire into the bedroom now, since this bedroom has no closet to hang up any clothes. the room is set up in such a way now that from my desk, i can see the monitor, the television, the kitchen, the backyard, the bed, while at the same time being able to grab whatever book i need from the bookshelves. what i want now is one of those monitor switching devices, so with a simple press of a button i can switch between the mac or the pc while using the same monitor. that way my desk won't be cluttered with two monitors (i hardly use the pc anyway, mostly for testing, the more i can hide that machine, the better).
for dinner, i had a serving of rice noodles my father had brought, and when he left to go home, he took back the square parquet coffee table and the two expandable mattress chairs, a few things i didn't need anymore. i watched the celtics get swept by the nets in game 4 of the playoffs, which was disappointing, but i'm glad it's over, not a lot of people believed the celtics could beat the nets, finally the charade is over, antoine and paul can have a nice rest of the summer.