andrew spent the day doing laundry and working on a project outside in the nice weather. i spent the day entering a few months more worth of weblog entries into the database, adjusting to the new "office" layout of my bedroom, watching the food network (the only channel i can't get outside in the living room). i think this new layout will be short-lived, i plan on changing it by monday, going to try something different to maximize my use of space. i like how i can look out the window into the backyard and watch television at the same time, with a bookshelf behind me, but i like to move the bed, i think it's too hidden, and taking up too much space in the "alcove." the weather was too nice to stay indoors all day, i was out briefly in the backyard taking more photos and rinsing out the barbecue grille after i scooped out all the dust. my sister dropped by with some flowers she wanted to arrange secretly at my place, a present to our mother. andrew and i cooked up some hot dogs for lunch, taking the opportunity to compare the generic dogs i bought a few weeks ago with the oscar meyer weiners we got last night for the barbecue. the oscar meyer dogs definitely have more flavor, but the reason could just be a matter of freshness.