freesia! my new favorite flower! i went with my father to mahoney's garden store in winchester today, and saw them. well, more like smelled them first, a distinctive fresh and pleasant fragrance. i remember eliza jones once said my bathroom smelled like freesia. never really knew what that meant, just took her word for it, but after having seen freesias for myself, there's no going back. i should've bought a pot of it, i need to go back and get some freesia to grow here at home.
there was more flowers in mahoney's than i've seen outdoors, with this being a particularly harsh winter. garden shops are like the poor man's botanical garden, just like pet shops are like the poor man's zoo. and just like pet shops, the great thing about a garden shop is if you see something you like, you can actually buy it and take it home with you.
my father was there looking for tomato plants, which we found out it was still too cold to grow them. instead, he bought two different types of basil (sweet and african), and 80 lbs. worth of manure, and a bag of potting soil for myself. a garden store is also a good place to identity those hard-to-figure-out flowers growing in one's backyard. i finally discovered what those mysterious white flowers are, they're hepatica americana.
also for future reference, there are ajugas (ground covers with purple flowers) and quince (thorny bush with pink flowers) growing in the backyard in belmont. besides tables and wheeled shelves worth of spring bulbs like hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils, i also some some of my favorite flowers, anemones and poppies. anemones actually bear some resemble to poppies, except you can only make opium from one of them. i actually think anemones look their best when they're still in bud form, before they open up and all the petals fall off. if i remember correctly, the anemones growing in belmont won't come out until may. there were also jack-in-the-pulpits, their distinctive appearance hard to misidentify. they were selling for an incredible $50/pot. nasturtiums were also for sale, resembling a sea of waterless lilypads.
 daffodils |
 poppy |
 anemones |
 jack-in- the-pulpit |
lunch was a pair of hot dogs while dinner was a burrito with alex wong. a funny story that one, we called and said we'd meet at the mexican place. i was late (too engrossed in some last minute aiming), so i ran down to boca grande. i went inside, took a quick look around, and went back out to call alex, suddenly realizing what happened. turns out he was at anna's tacqueria, so i ran all the way to anna's, and sure enough, found alex sitting there finish his burrito. when i finally got my order, still slightly out of breath, alex coolly sat there, no apologies, no "sorry for the mix-up," taking sips of his soda as i ate my burrito. afterwards, he camped out at my place for an hour before he left, telling me how people in japan though he was blind when he walked the streets in his sunglasses and camera monopod.
later that evening, renata came by to pick me up to go see bend it like beckham at the kendall cinema (9:15pm showing). we were supposed to go see it two weeks ago (030411), that night renata came over for red curry dinner and felt too sleepy to go see a movie. she honked the horn outside to get my attention (the ghetto doorbell), and once i was in the car, she told me how she narrowly got into a road rage accident and how this guy gave her the finger.
neither of us thought there'd be very many people in the theatre (renata told me "two"), but we were kind of surprised to see about half a dozen, and then a handful more right before the movie started. i got a piece of her trident "princess gum" which lasted me throughout the duration of the movie. when the film was over, a cinematically satisfied renata drove me home, shimmying herself out the driver's side window to feed the validation ticket into the barrier release machine, before making a beeline to my house. thankfully, nobody flipped us off.