know what else makes me happy? how the sudden burst of warm weather makes all the bulbs bloom like crazy in the backyard. i didn't realize i had crocuses of my own! not as much as in belmont, just a few bulbs, but the burst of spring color is welcomed. there were also a few flowers blooming that i didn't know what they were called, even after consulting with my bulb book. maybe they're perennials, maybe my upstairs neighbor steve might know.
crocus |
snowbell |
glory-of- the-snow |
snail shell |
white flower 1 |
white flower 2 |
purple flower |
corydalis |
i went out running in the 80+ degrees weather. i actually don't like running when it's warm, like it better when it's cold and i can warm up to it. i felt hot and couldn't make it across the eliot bridge without walking, which in my book represents a jogging defeat. when i finally did finish the run, my body was all red and i felt cold chills, which probably meant some level of either heat exhaustion or dehydration. going back home i briefly walked behind this girl runner who was in nothing more than a sports bar and a pair of running shorts. i couldn't help but to admire what an amazing body she had, she was lean and muscular. when i got home, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, i thought about that girl, and how jealous i was of her, not that i wanted to look like her, but i wished i could be as fit as she was. i jiggled the early stages of my love handles and then jumped into the shower, promising myself i'd do crunches until rock hard abs come to town. i got a chance to use the new body sponge, rubbing myself with the stuffed critter. not sure how effective it is in cleaning, but i like having namake in the shower.
i briefly went to joie de vivre to buy a present, and i also got another magnetic light, this one a color morphing one that slowly changes into all the colors of the rainbow. it's pretty cool and when i saw it i knew i had to have it.
i got home, where i called alex, who was in porter square, that i got back to my house, so he could come over. he was dropping by to burn the photos he took from japan on cd's, his pc computers having problems communicating with the ibook. i got a chance to play around with his casio s3, which other than the fact that it doesn't have an optical zoom, is a very good camera, amazingly quick (a mere milliseconds worth of pause between shots), and nice images. i got a call from bruce to meet up with him and dennis to see our neighbor's lilian's place to check out the handy work she needed doing at her condo. after a lengthy inspection, we figured it'd be too much work to paint the kitchen and to repoint the stones in the basement walls. the stonework probably required a professional mason, while the painting job was full of little details that'd probably blow the budget way out of any original estimates, as there were a lot of obstacles to overcome and some serious prep work. bruce, dennis and i discussed all this afterwards, standing outside their house, me in my shorts despite the fact that the weather had dropped from the 80's when i was running to the 40's in the evening.
when i came back to the house at 8:30pm, alex was still burning. i had to hurry him up a little bit, as he was insistent on verifying each cd's, which then took about 20 minutes per disc (burn plus verify), and he still had 3 discs left to do. i watched him fall asleep on the armchair (when everyone knows the sofa is the best place to sleep in the living room), still not over the jetlag. when the discs were finally done, he returned to malden.
i ended up cooking up some ramen for dinner, and then afterwards had a grapefruit for dessert. each dig of the spoon resulted in a squirt of juice. it was everywhere, on my clothes, on the computer, even on my face. it was a good grapefruit, but what a high maintenance fruit!
please bear in mind the site is still a work in progress, and certain things might be missing or currently inactive. for instance, the inability to go back to old entries for this month or a search functionality. all that will be forthcoming.