a day of leisure errand running prior to my weekend trip down to john's wedding in NY turned out to be a day of debugging work, as i had some stuff to fix for one of my client's. as soon as i woke up, i got an instant message to man my battle station and for the next 3 hours i was running installers, printing out code, testing fixes, and calling the client. when i finally finished, i was hungry, having missed breakfast and lunch. i fed on some pizza rolls heated in the toaster oven. a check of the temperature (50 degrees) told me it'd be a good day for a run, but not before i walked to porter square to cash a check, get some money, and pick up my prescriptions. i came back home and changed into a pair of running shorts and a turtleneck, then went on my usual route. along the charles river, placards dotted the shoreline, bits of poetry written on them. i didn't stop until i went across the elliot bridge, just sort of lost my motivation, the rational mind took over and i saw the need to walk a little bit even though i could've kept on going. after the bridge i ran the rest of the river back to where i started.
i went home, had my fill of more addictive instant messaging, then took a shower. i had half a slice of canteloupe, gouging out portions with a spoon. i waited for amy to show up, but not before shannon came by to pick up the jerry-rigged scsi cd-rom drive i grabbed from my house for her. you ever get one of those times where everything suddenly happened all at once? shannon showed up, renata called (i didn't answer), and amy showed up as well. after a quick intro, shannon left, amy came in, and renata called amy. we invited her to get some mexican food with us later. amy and i left for
crate & barrel, where she helped me pick up the wedding gift i got for john's wedding. i was happy to see that it fit perfectly in the trunk.
we quickly drove back to porter square, where renata was supposed to be waiting for us at boca grande at exactly 8pm. despite the fact that we were late, renata was nowhere to be seen.
after grabbing a free table amidst the crowd, we decided to order. that's when renata showed up, waving to the both of us, amy still in line waiting for her order, i was already back at the table eating my chips. we stay until after 10pm, when there were just a handful of people left in the restaurant. we drove renata back to her car, then i drove amy back to her's.
i came home just in time to watch monsoon wedding. i can't get enough of indian movies! bollywood cinema, here i come!