the blizzards are back! the blizzards are back!
the blizzards, as opposed to those nor'easters, which i think is just a fancy name for a type of blizzard.
i went outside this morning to shovel 2" worth of snow on the sidewalk. after dinner, i went back out to shovel a foot more of snow, including the steps to the basement. it's snowing, yes, in quiet abundance, and occasionally strong winds will kick in and make it look like it's snowing horizontally. soft powdery snow, not good for snowmen making, but easy on the trees and easy to shovel. i heard my neighbor upstairs but he never ventured out to do any shoveling, which was quite alright, i wanted to do it anyway.
every few hours i'd hear my next door neighbor shoveling though. how? he scrapes the sidewalks, making sure they're completely free of snow. the sound is like a challenge, it compels me to go outside and shovel as well, otherwise he'll have the nice clean sidewalks while i have snow piled up on mine. it's all about making my turf look presentable. all day long there's been weather updates on the news, one of the few times when the weather forecasters become local celebrities. god i miss mish michaels! i don't know why i bother shoveling anyway, in a matter of hours there's going to be another foot of snow again. in the afternoon i fell asleep, waking up to a chicken noodle soup dinner from a can.