
i slept until noon today (kind of la notte tarda last night), woke up, made a breakfast of scrambled eggs, raisin toasts, and a glass of fruit elixir, waited for the proper amount of time to digest, before getting dressed and going out for a run around the charles river. the temperature when i left the house was in the 20's, warm compared to the freezing weather we've had for almost the whole month of january. i was still a little stiff from monday's run, and i started out kind of shakey, almost unbuckling the first few paces. despite the relative warm, it was actually snowing a little bit, which was kind of cool as i stepped in freshly fallen snowpaths, snowflakes in my eyelashes, my clothes coated in a thin layer of icy white. i ran the whole way without stopping (well, stopping twice to tie my shoelaces), something i've never done before running on my own. at one point near the midway mark, it got really warm, as i rolled up the sleeves of my turtleneck and took off my hat.

when i got home, i got a call from julie telling me about the new external firewire drive she got. she asked about making audio cd's, i told her how with itunes she no longer has to convert files into aiff's. thus began a whole day affair to get her updated on her itunes software, which resulted in her updating her system to 9.2.2 just so she could install the authoring support extension 1.1.9, and by the end of the day, we almost reformatted her new hard disk in some six degrees of separation madness but stopped only because it couldn't be done with apple's drive setup utility. all i know is i have a strokes cd waiting for me with my name on it. during that period of phone/aim tag, i also took a shower and watched television on the couch finishing a whole bag of cape code dark russet potato chips.

dinner was more hot pot leftover mixed with some rice leftover. it's been a few hours, i haven't gotten sick yet, i think i'm safe.