sometime later i went out briefly to get a canned of preserved strawberries from star market (for my belgian waffles), and walked down to porter square in the cold to buy a halogen light bulb for the vanity light in my bathroom.
shannon came over to burn the rest of her cd's. alex wong dropped by unexpectedly to reclaim the printer he lent me. what i had calculated to take 3 hours worth of burning ended up becoming 5 hours. we watched national lampoon's european vacation, followed by the nightly news (i made a few kim jong il jokes, these are all the rage these days), then surreal life. this was actually a repeat of the premiere episode, and normally i'd stay away from shows like these, but once we started watching, we couldn't turn away. corey feldman, vince neil, gabrielle carteris, emmanuel lewis (webster!), mc hammer, brande roderick, and jerri manthey - living together under one room, the reality tv hilarity ensues! it was funny watching them all go out grocery shopping together, or going around the posh neighborhood delivery brownies, or the naked girl covered in sushi awaiting them for dinner. mc hammer is the conservative religion one who makes everyone say grace before eating, gabrielle is the responsible mom of the household, webster is the symbolic child (even though he really is an adult), brande is just pure eye-candy, jerri is the celebrity wannabe who everyone hates initially (corey speaking to the camera, "mc hammer said she was a bitch"), vince neil is the aging rocker that's been through so many binges that you kind of don't want to touch him or otherwise get a nasty disease, and corey is the vegetarian guy who tries too hard, wants to do the right thing, but who's really just an unabashed publicity whore. it's kind of a fun show, definitely guilty pleasure material,
the whole time we were trying to see who would get kicked "off" of the house, but i guess that's not a rule of the show. after surreal life, it was the simpsons followed by king of the hill, funny episodes both. shannon finished right when alias was starting. i had half a whole chicken for dinner while i savored this new episode. sydney and vaughn almost did it while out on a romantic dinner date in nice (france), but now they realize the nature of their jobs makes any sort of rendezvous far too risky. after alias came the dead zone.
i read in tv guide that 60% of the dead zone's audience is women. that, combined with my love for the gilmore girls, means that i have the television preference of the 18-to-49 female demographic.