
last night i went to bed at 7am, woke up this morning at noon (words like "morning" or "yesterday" doesn't really make sense anymore when you're dealing with late night hours, kind of the quantum universe of sleep mechanics). tonight looks like a repeat performance.

all day long i was putting on the finish touches for a beta delivery scheduled for tomorrow (today). that, and watching the "i love the 80's" marathon on VH1. i wish i taped it, i could watch that over and over again. nostalgia is the memory treat i know and love very well. new year's day is all about televised marathons. on the scifi channel there was the twilight zone marathon, but they do this every year and i've already seen many of the episodes from past marathons. i remember last year there was also an alias marathon, which i had the foresight to tape (episodes which i now own on vcd thanks to joel, although i can't watch them just yet except on my pc, because i have an old dvd player and my mac doesn't support mpeg2). i might not be able to run a marathon, but i can watch one like a pro!

i had a new year's day dinner with my family at the yangtze river chinese restaurant in lexington center, our first time there after hearing good things about the place. it was an okay, they even have a buffet bar (although we didn't get anything from there). it was pretty busy, we made a reservation. i wore my kaiju t-shirt, which had the chinese characters for monster on it - i was hoping i'd be able to shock one of the waiters at least with my choice of evening wear. not the best chinese restaurant in greater boston, but the dishes offered a few delicious surprises. i was hungry yet at the same time sleepy. after i finished eating, i just wanted to crash my face into my plate and go to bed. during the short car ride back to my place, i almost feel asleep in the car.

as soon as i got home (around 9pm), i brushed my teeth and went straight to bed, letting the soothing waves of another episode of "i love the 80's" lull me into a quick and gentle sleep. i woke up at midnight to do some more programming work, which led me to where i'm currently at (6am), uploading the zip packet, passing the time logging the first entry for this new year.

looks like i'm going to be feeling the presence of yet another sunrise. the darkness outside slowly diminishes...