this is the thing about working at home: as soon as you wake up, you hit the world running. no time to get dressed, no time to clean up, no time for breakfast. my cellphone alarm clock rang and the first thing i did was to go into the living room and fire up my computer. within the span of less than two hours i was coordinating between two different projects. i was aim conferencing on one project while uploading documents for another (had to clear out some personal webspace in the process too, you'll notice that entries from early last year are currently missing). at 10:30 my father came by with the car and i drove him back to the cafe while i headed out to the sagamore bridge to meet tom for a client meeting in osterville. figuring it was almost 11am and there wouldn't be too much city traffic, i braved storrow bridge. big mistake. i was stuck in 30 minute traffic jam (should've spared that $1 and taken the turnpike to 93), and got to the sagamore bridge 20 minutes late.

it seems kind of shady, like something out of a movie, to meet out in the middle of nowhere (in the commuter's parking lot), where i dumped my car and we took off in tom's jeep.

we got to osterville 15 minutes early and waited in the car so it'd look like we arrived right on time. the meeting went smoothly and was relatively brief (as i had expected). at one point i revealed i didn't have a pc because i was a mac person and found myself in a snake pit of anti-mac-ism ("those dumb commercials," "macs aren't business machines"). as you probably know, my mac advocacy is on the downswing, but i felt like i had to come to apple's defense. after the 40 minute meeting, tom and i paid a visit to that
pizza shop we went to when we were down in osterville for the last client meeting. he drove me back to the sagamore bridge (christmas tree shop!) via the "access road" and i drove back to cambridge, taking the turnpike this time when i got to boston, having learned my lesson.
when i got home, there's a few unaccounted hours that for the life of me i can't recall what i did. i was probably watching television (oh yeah, frailty, while eating a slice of cheese cake and drinking a can of soda), then i fell asleep in the living room. i woke up to make dinner, or more exactly, to eat some leftovers: my homemade rice pilaf (how old is that? if there's no mold and it doesn't smell, it's still good to eat) and my mother's beef stew (how old is that?).
while microwaving my dinner, i sawed the wooden support beam i got for the coat closet and painted them salsa red. later tonight i'll put on a second coat so they'll be ready for my father to help me install them into the closet tomorrow morning. i haven't painted in a while but it really was like riding a back, as soon as i smelled the paint, i was flooded with those old painting memories. when i finished painting, i ate dinner.
the rice wasn't very good but at least i can rest in the fact i didn't waste any food by just throwing it away. my primetime television schedule went like this: nature on pbs (this guy let blood sucking animals bite him, including a leech and a vampire bat), followed by third watch on nbc (mother-daughter hostage situation with the result that the daughter who was formerly embarassed by the mother is now really proud of her, i wish all mother-daughter disputes could be settled through a botched bank robbery/hostage situation), then csi miami on cbs (pulled from the headlines, an episode on sniper).
and on a personal note, who do i know from drexel university? if you're reading this, drop me a line, i'm curious to know how it is you've become a faithful follower of my weblog.