this morning we had an emergency developers meeting to schedule our resources to put several projects on the fast track to completion. i volunteered for some flash debugging. it's good to be back in flash country, albeit only version 4. for lunch, i got the lamb curry ($7) from
max's, a very filling meal. like yesterday and the day before, the network went down again. at the end of the day i got a notice alerting me to the fact that i got a slight salary increase for my nearly two years of loyal company service. maybe now i can get a beverage when i buy lunch, something like that. i also got my day off tomorrow approved. after work, i went out running despite pain in my ankles and knees. ran to the mass ave bridge, walked half way, ran the rest of the way to the longfellow. i almost got into a good running groove, could feel myself go automatic, but i was still tired.

when i came back to the office i showered and walked to inman square, where i was to meet some fellow bloggers to catch a show at
improvboston. because i was there early, i took the opportunity to get some mango ice cream from the store next door. when the designated time rolled around, i caught up with sooz, shannon, michael (?), and new guy eric.
this improv show was different from the one i saw with john miller in nyc. instead of teams, it was just one group, and members would get called out to perform sketches. there was a host, and tonight was an improv competition where we the audience got to vote which sketches we liked better, players in low scoring sketches would sit out after each round.
i was disappointed to see the two more interesting players get ousted right after the first round, mr.spikey blonde hair guy, and ms.i-think-she-might-be-turkish. mr.blonde was definitely the funniest guy in the group, and at one point during the scoring, all the players gasped when they realized he just got some bad points. the comedy was sort of hit or miss, like most improv i suppose. funniest sketches were "no mommy, he's not really 16!" and "interactive popup horror story book." not bad for $5 worth of laughs. besides, the theatre has a byob policy, and we saw a few people swigging down alcoholic libations during the performance.
after it was over, 9:20pm, i walked to central square (20 minutes later), where i was hoping to catch some screen house people at the people's republik. through the window i saw a crowd inside but nobody i knew, so i walked to harvard to catch my bus. i couldn't help but notice all the furniture stores stretching down the length of mass ave from central square to harvard square. maybe this weekend i'll pay them a visit.