my heart's ticking weird. not sure what to call it, discomfort? a subtle tickling of that most essential muscle? maybe a good night's rest will cure it.
i could sure use it after the day i had, one of
those days. 10 hours of continuous work, all to burn 54 cd's for delivery by the end of the day. once again, i didn't eat anything, no breakfast, no lunch. my neglected stomach was making angry noises, but i ignored it, didn't have time to step out, i was too busy. i sustained myself by eating a bag of watermelon seeds i bought from chinatown weeks ago, the high salt concentration giving me painful canker sores. i also found some emergency chocolate i had in my cabinet drawers.
i could feel myself wasting away, light-headed, and kept on thinking, "hey, you want to lose weight? become a programmer!" i was also suppose to make a a very crucial call to my mortgage lender, but i didn't even have time to do that. even though my life today was thoroughly sacrificed on the work altar, i have no hard feelings. the cd's went out, much thanks to carrie and amanda and barbara (and paula) for realizing we could burn with all the cd-rw equipped pc's we have lying around the office.
the solution was so obvious, kind of weird why we didn't think of it sooner! it was a cd burning factory downstairs. my project manager todd told me that we have never delivered that many cd's on a single day before. 54 cd's! and that's after realizing more than half of our original burns had bad media on it that needed fixing. thank god for 24x burners! i also think if those ladies weren't downstairs helping out, i would've been seriously stressed. as it turned out, i even left before they did, which is something i never thought would happen on a day where we had a major delivery.
after 7pm i finally shuffled home, eyes downcast, tired, but a peaceful kind of tired, the kind of good tired you feel after a relatively smooth delivery. maybe a little bit of that post-delivery euphoria thrown in there as well. by week's end, hopefully this will all be over. on the train and on the bus all i could think about was burying my face in my pillow and going to bed.