MAR 22 2002 ![]()
MAR 22 2002
today was cold. i don't think the temperature ever went above the 20's. factor in the strong wind chill, it must've been in the teens if not lower. i didn't mind it however, the cold was exhilirating. i'd walk around outside with my bare hands until they became ice cold and then i'd put them in my pockets. my head wasn't cold at all, must be all that hair i've been growing out all winter long.
for lunch eliza hoover and i went down to the cheesecake factory in the galleria mall to meet up with dan. along the way we saw two people taking photos of some local easter decorations, at that same house that just last week had the leprechaun gnome lights.
we had a nice lunch at the cheesecake factory. i ordered the jumbalaya pasta which i forgot i had before and didn't really like it the first time around. on this occasion it was more palettable but i have to remind myself not to get it again next time. our conversation focused mainly on buying an apartment, with eliza filling us in on the juicy details with all her own personal apartment buying experiences. we left without getting any cheesecake, i was way too full to eat another bite.
we found a set of empty seats right in the middle of the last row of front row seats. elias and i started to sit, when this kid (college? high school?) kneeling on the seat next to me said, "no no, you can't sit here, these seats are reserved for my two friends, they're coming right now." i don't know, something about him totally ticked me off, and i wasn't going to let him get away with it. i started to speak in a very loud and sarcastic voice so everyone in the theatre could hear me, "oh, i'm sorry, i didn't realize you could reserve seats! where are your friends? you want to sit here? oh, of course! i'm so sorry!" i basically made a big stink about it, and fortunately for this kid he had smart friends who knew danger when they saw it and said they'd take some other seats instead. where did i learn to be such a bitch? i'm afraid to point any fingers. when dan joined us back in the screening room (after much arm waving, he couldn't see us right away), i asked him where my small-ass popcorn was. why, it's sitting back outside on the concession counter! dan wanted to go back out and get it, but i figured by then it was long gone, finder's keepers property of a lucky theatre patron. however, i did feel a twinge of paranoia as every small bag of popcorn i saw in the theatre illicited a "could that be my bag of popcorn?" thought balloon.
after the movie, elias drove off in his car while i took dan back to his place. we saw a white bmw parked in the garage with the personalized license plate of MUSCAT.