this morning i saw a woman get on the bus and scrape off the dog crap from the bottom of her shoe on the edge of the stairwell. i think that's a double wrong, because first she was dumb enough to step in poop in the first place. i learned to avoid stepping in crap as soon as i learned how to walk! second, i don't know where the hell she thought she was, but onboard a bus in front of a few dozen other commuter is not the place nor the time to clean your poop shoes! i think i was one of the only few people to notice though (i'm good at picking up the out of the ordinary), most people too engrossed in their book or their music or their vegging out to pay very much attention.
the secret of nimda
the nimda virus strikes our office! strains a & e (isn't that a cable channel?), running amok, sending out e-mails to everyone on people's addressbooks, propagating itself over the network onto the servers, disguising itself by changing its name to subject headers stolen from e-mail folders. it's a mischievous viral worm, i kind of admire it for that. it's funny, because every single folder on the servers, no matter how deep, had been contaminated, but it's almost fun erasing these replicated worm files because i got to read some strange names, supposed e-mail subjects of the people who work here. whether the virus adds its own list of words to spice things up i'm not sure, but these renamed files ranged anywhere from the tame ("project proposal") to the highly improper (no example shall be given!). to be fair, there was nothing too bad. it was the project management department that got infected the worst, and thankfully i don't think any of them lead shady private lives on the side. or if they do, they don't correspond with their contacts via e-mails, at least not office e-mails. and once again, where i was i throughout the fray? why, being on a mac, i am virtually immune to any such attacks.