today's temperature was in the 50's, ideal shorts and a t-shirt running weather, which is exactly what i wore. despite the high temperature, it was very windy outside, so it felt colder whenever it was blowing. i did my route, running most of the time against the wind (also the sand would get into my mouth sometimes). i've been doing this long enough that i'm starting to recognize some of the regulars. there's this one guy i always see running around who looks exactly like anchorman randy price. some parts of the ground were wet and when i ran across them, i could feel the water spraying the back of my legs. the running (bouncing up and down) combined with the wind did a real number on my hair, as within the span of 30 minutes it expanded outwards into a natural afro. i didn't run very fast, but i didn't stop either. i kept on reminding myself i'm not out here to race, but i kept on repeating the mantra, slow and steady wins the race (which totally contradicts what i was saying before, how it isn't a race). i got back to the office, showered, and later ate my canned beans because i had used up my alloted one hour lunchtime.
tonight would be a night where i had to fend for myself in terms of finding dinner, and i had asked no less than three different people to see if they wanted to get some food with me after work (i don't want to eat alone!). none bought into my hard sell of the ultimate post work epicurean adventure, so i had no choice but to go home and make my own food. those who know me know that i can not cook. it's a real disability that limits how i live my life. i would say almost all the food that i eat is prepared for me. if it's not a home cooked meal, then i'm buying it from somewhere. the number of things i can make to eat i can count on one hand, and that includes anything that i can just put into the toaster oven. when i got home i drove the car to the local super star market (now a shaw's supermarket) to buy some groceries. i only eat extremes. if it's not super healthy, then it's super junk. for every bag of carrots or clutch of bananas i buy, there's an equal and opposite bag of potato chips or a 12 pack of raspberry ginger ale. i always thought supermarkets would be crowded after work, but when i got to star's at about 7pm, the place was pretty empty. i always figured that after work would be the most congested time because everyone's buying groceries to bring home to make dinner. apparently that's not the case, or apparently wednesday night is just not a busy night in the supermarket industry. or maybe a lot of people are like me, going out to eat or ordering something to be delivered. as soon as i started shopping, i realized i forgot my shaw's discount card at home. i debated whether to drive back and get it, or just suck it up and pay non-discounted prices for some of the food. it was a real dilemma, and i ended up not purchasing some stuff because i didn't want to pay full price. still, i managed to buy $60 worth of groceries, which i think will last me until the end of this week before i need to make another run to the supermarket.
for dinner: two toaster oven pizzas and a can of sarsaparilla soda, sitting in front of the tv watching the celtics beat the pacers.