well, thank god it's always cold on new year's eve. imagine living someplace like in australia where it's actually warm on december 31st. what a terrible place that'd be! people celebrating in the streets all night long, dancing, drinking, and when they get tired, they can just sleep on the curb. thank god we don't have that here. it's usually so cold out, people can only enjoy themselves so much before hypothermia sets in and they have to get home to warm up or face the possibility of freezing to death.
after briefly chatting with some of the returning ladies at work on aim (aim whore, that's what they call me), i got dressed (baby, it's cold outside!) and caught the bus to harvard square. i finally mailed off my mac os v10.1 upgrade form (had to be postmarked by today or else!) and bought some stamps from the philatelical vending machine. next on my list was a visit to cvs, where i got my pill subscription refilled. i had 30 minutes to kill before my drugs were ready, so i went to burk's to do some shoe shopping. i left with a pair of john fluevogs black & shiny gibson swirl (which unfortunately i'm going to have to get exchanged tomorrow, i think i got the wrong size). i went back to cvs but my prescription wasn't ready yet, so i waited around for another 15 more minutes, memorizing all the different pills in the pain reliever and vitamin aisles, before finally getting my refill, along with a new toothbrush (i had totally destroyed my last toothbrush with some all too vigorous brushing) and some toothpaste (i ran out at work, i've been squeezing this little tube of colgate for the past month).
when i got home i changed into my running gear and went out jogging for 30 minutes, no stopping this time, a non-asterisked run. i wasn't as out of breath as i was the past few runs, i just felt speedy today, primed for running. i passed some elementary school aged kids playing street hockey on the road. one of them broke into song when he saw me, "me chinese! chong chong chong!" i paused. they sort of backed up in a group but were still chanting. i had some murderous thoughts, but decided against it because 1) if i went berserk, it would just further add to their stereotype of asian people (the stereotype that we are a violent, illiterate race of savages not good at math but excellent in driving), and 2) i had to hand it to them, they guessed correctly, most times people think i'm japanese. of course there aren't as many songs about japanese people as there are about chinese people.
i also got a haircut this morning, my mother gave me a quick trim. i couldn't stand this incipient wave action that was happening on the back of my neck, and the local barbershop is closed on monday (i wouldn't have gone to the barber anyway, they're not the trim kind of guy, it's all or nothing with them).
my tangerine colored ioport 4 port usb minihub arrived via fedex this morning as well. it took a while to find, a lot of the online mac catalog places weren't selling them for some reason. i finally found it at club mac. all they had were tangerine, i really wanted grape, but i'll take tangerine in a pinch. so this minihub arrives and sure enough it's pretty mini. i got it because it was advertised as self-powered, because i didn't want to deal with finding outlet space for another big plug. but guess what? i don't know if this is false advertising or not because it's really confusing, but self-powered means it uses a plug, as opposed to bus-powered, which doesn't. a little disappointed, but my usb webcam needed more juice than a regular bus-powered hub can provide, so it worked out all right in the end. i've got the webcam, the compact flash memory reader, the handspring visor cradle, and the rio 500 mp3 download plug all attached to the minihub now.