it's not like you can abolish sundays. if you did that, then saturdays would be sundays. this is the kind of stuff i think about all the time. there should be courses in college devoted to this kind of education, day theories -- how certain days of the week just feel different from other days. so some might ask, "didn't you ruin a perfectly good weekend day sitting around and doing nothing?" first, i don't consider sunday to be part of my weekend repertoire, and second, sundays are ruined anyway because the day after sunday is monday and on mondays i go back to work. not that i don't like my job, i just don't like work in general. not that i'm lazy --
oh who am i kidding? i am lazy!
i did absolutely nothing today. well, not exactly. everytime i say that, suddenly i start remembering all the things i did. i cleaned the birdfeeder, finally. months of bird poop caked on the feeding dish was washed off. right now the pieces of the feeder are sitting in the backyard, drying off, waiting for reassembling, waiting for a new supply of bird seeds.
what else did i do? watched the red sox lose to the braves, got a mosquito bite on my head while taking a photo in the backyard, watched several hours of the founding fathers on the history channel, and fished some crumbs from an old bag of potato chip.