thursday night there's a 3 miles corporate challenge that i have been talked into running. i can't wait to feel like ass again!
JUN 18 2001
i ran with dan today during lunch. it was just as hot (80's+) but not as humid as last friday. instead of stopping before the longfellow bridge though, i ran up the overpass and across the bridge, finally completing a non-asterisked certifiable 3 miles. i felt a little nauseous afterwards (could've been the heat) and had some cold chills. i think the exact feeling can be categorized as ass but it soon wore off. i'm thinking about taking my run to the next level though. more miles you ask? no, i'm thinking some serious topless running action. i'll keep you ladies informed.
thursday night there's a 3 miles corporate challenge that i have been talked into running. i can't wait to feel like ass again!