JUN 14 2001
i bumped into my old high school friend david ording on the bus going back home again. everytime i see him he has a different hairstyle! this time he had the swept-back wave action. i really should get a photo next time, i bump into him so many times but i never remember to grab a photo. i missing commuting home with a buddy. when adam smith and i worked at the screen house, it was pretty cool because we had the same commute. there are times when i wanted some private time, but there are other times when it's good to have somebody to talk to on the subway and bus. so david ording, we talked about when is it the busiest time in the museum business (he works at the harvard sackler museum). he asked if i had been playing golf because i was so tanned (really?), and i told him i got this way from my many weeks of running along the charles river. our conversation then turned to the need for exercise, especially people our age, and dave told he how he's still hurting from this weekend soccer team he joined recently. my stop came up, we bid each other good bye until next time, and i got off the bus.
JUN 14 2001
you ever just look at your body and discover something you've never noticed before? most of the time it's something freaky. maybe you have different sized hands. maybe you have hair growing where you didn't think it was humanly possible. maybe you have a bald spot. anyway, i discovered something about my own body today at work. on my left arm i have no moles, but on my right arm i have at least 8 moles. what's the deal? is one half my body reserved for moles while the other half is mole free? freaky genes!