MAY 29 2001
my friend andrew morse and i had a good telephone conversation tonight. topics ranged from summer movies (pearl harbor, planet of the apes, tombraider), to politics (the defection of jeffords, funny bush anecdotes), to which part of town will be the next big thing (davis square, inman square, kendall square), to money matters (stock market loss, cd's, companies to invest in). it's weird, i don't talk very much on the phone. my medium of choice is either e-mail or instant messaging, all digital forms of communication. the analog style of old school telephone calling is not something i do very often. what's also weird is andrew and i were able to have an intelligent conversation! i don't know about you, but i can go months without ever having a single intelligent conversation! it's sort of scary, really, but i guess when you're in your mid to late 20's, you're bound to have a few intelligent conversations once in a while. once again, glaring evidence that i am becoming old!
after work a bunch of coworkers and i went to flattop johnny's in kendall square to say good bye to stephanie who was leaving the company to seek greener pastures. a period of talking-drinking-eating outside, then everyone adjourned inside because it started to rain. after watching some ladies play a game, i was inadvertedly sucked into two matches of my own (both with partners). not to bog down in the details, but i am not a very good pool player. i wouldn't even really call it "playing" whatever it is i do with the cuestick. i bring shame to myself and my family and my village when i play. a few times i didn't even make contact with the cueball and was allowed a second pity hit admist the belly aching laughter of my fellow spectators. i am happy to provide such entertaining service! but get me on a foosball table and i could school them all! note to self: remember never to play pool again!