
i've come to the conclusion that all classic movie monsters -- dracula, the creature from the black lagoon, frankenstein, wolfman, the fly, the mummy -- have one thing in common: they're all lonely guys looking for love, that's what it boils down to. and that's why i can totally related to movie monsters. think about it: dracula's looking for some hapless young maiden to seduce, the creature from the black lagoon abducts that woman from the boat, frankenstein wants a bride, the wolfman's always on the prowl, and the mummy wants to be reunited with his long lost love. each monster has his own style, his own special way of finding that special someone. but if their love pursuits have anything to teach us, it's that it never works out, at least not for monsters. but aren't we all metaphorically monsters? so the next time you're watching dracula or frankenstein on television, don't think of them as bad guys. they're really not. after all -- they're just lonely guys, looking for love. is that so wrong?

amanda garnier i swear to all that is holy and true if you don't take down that photo of red sox nemesis derek jeter off your desktop then i will make your life at work a living hell! how can you say that he is better looking than nomar garciaparra? you must be blind, girl, because nomar is much better looking. it hurts me to see you've set your standards so low. you better show the sweet red sox some more love! until that time, i will no longer discuss anything baseball related with you because anyone who thinks the yankees are better than the red sox must not know very much about america's favorite pasttime. there still is time my child for you to change your wicked ways!

hooray! it's working, it's working! propagation has been completed. i typed in "iamtonyang.com" on my PC at work and presto chango my website came up! i should've done this a long time ago, so i could've locked in "tonyang.com" but it's no big deal. iamtonyang is also my AIM name. i don't want to brag, but i give pretty good AIM!