MAY 23 2001
after a run and a meal and a shower i get really sleepy at work. trying to get a quick fix of energy, amanda and i ate packets of raw sugar. this is an example of a good idea gone bad (something i am way too familiar with). maybe i did feel a little bit more alert, but i had a stomach ache afterwards. note to self: get your sugar fix some other way, glucose junkie!
MAY 23 2001
last night i registered the domain name www.iamtonyang.com through www.homepagenames.com. i was afraid the whole process would be rather technical and difficult, but it actually went off without a hitch. i'm paying $18/year for a 2 year contract. as of yet, i still can't see the website. it gives me a "server can't be found" error. hopefully the address is still propagating. i'll check again tomorrow. if it works i'll be so happy!